I have been learning about making my own compost for the garden. Gardening is such a joy, but after a while you begin to see how your soil need some amending to keep up with what you are growing. For instance, one year we had the greatest crop of tomatoes, I mean it was fantastic and fun. My younger son and I had great fun going out and just picking the tomatoes and bringing them in. I never ceased to be amazed. What got my attention was the year after that, when we had a rather poor result with our tomatoes. I wondered if something had been wrong with the plants themselves, or if the summer had been especially severe, etc. Turns out it was that the soil was probably depleted from the necessary nutrients that tomatoes need. This made complete sense to me.
I already know how much money one can spend going to the local garden center, so I kind of inwardly groaned as I thought about adding some good compost and fertilizer to the list. Then I recalled that you can simply create your own great compost using certain kitchen waste that you may normally throw away. So, here is what I have learned and some tips and ideas on how to make your own compost.
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